Birth: January 16, 1984
When the Romani people came and settled in Gioia Tauro in the '60s and the '70s, they took over a neighborhood much like Africans are doing now that ….
When I was growing up, hip-hop music existed as American thing. If you listened to it you were listening to an American subculture, whereas now you'r….
Even if it's just a little thing, something like a song, there's still that sort of common language, that common denominator that we can all relate t….
When you have a small town where all of a sudden there's 3,000 black people living in a neighborhood where there were never black people before, that….
One of the biggest dishes in Sicily is couscous, and there's always been a North African influence on Italian culture, culinary culture there..
Pop stars exist in a different space, one not necessarily tied to a patriotism. So Rihanna is everyone's. She doesn't just belong to America, even th….
Sicilians, Calabrians, Neapolitans - there were real differences between them, and then all of a sudden they're all living in the US, and then they'r….