Occupation: United States Senator Birth: July 1, 1970
We need to preserve programs like Social Security and Medicare for our seniors of today and tomorrow. But we need to strengthen both Social Security ….
In the Iowa senate, I helped pass the largest tax cut in state history - returning over four billion dollars in savings and putting more money back i….
What's right for New York or California, is not necessarily right for Iowa..
I don't know the science behind climate change. I can't say one way or another what is the direct impact, whether it's man-made or not. I've heard ar….
Let’s shut down the EPA. The state knows best how to protect resources..
When we do go to combat, it should be with a defined mission and a plan for withdrawal..
I grew up working for the minimum wage at Hardee's and knows first hand how important the minimum wage is. I support a state based minimum wage so ev….
Here in Iowa, as a state senator, I have worked hard to find solutions that work for our state and as a result we've reduced taxes and lowered the un….
I don’t know the science behind climate change..
Healthcare costs are rising due to Obamacare..
As a veteran, I believe we have a responsibility to take care of all our men and women who have served - and I will fight to fix the crisis at the Ve….
It will take hard work, but doing nothing on Social Security, for example, simply makes sure the system will go broke. It's time to make some reforms..
We need to repeal and replace Obamacare. It is the largest tax in U.S. history, has proven to be a job-killer, and has driven up the cost of healthca….
As a soldier and combat veteran, I believe American military forces should only be used in the defense and furtherance of our nation's vital interest….
Healthcare should be about market driven solutions, not government mandates..
I worked the morning biscuit line at Hardee's..
I do believe in the right to carry, and I believe in the right to defend myself and my family -- whether it's from an intruder, or whether it's from ….
You just need the freedom to dream big and a whole lot of hard work..
I grew up castrating hogs on an Iowa farm, so when I come to Washington, I'll know how to cut pork..
You don't need to come from wealth or privilege to make a difference..
Iowans are feeling the pinch of a big federal government, and elected officials like Bruce Braley keep championing the over reaching bureaucracy. Iow….