Occupation: Author Birth: June 27, 1960
We created a way of raising standards of living that we can't possibly pass on to our children..
Bush and Inhofe will go down in history with other leaders such as Herbert Hoover and Neville Chamberlain who were blind to their nation's gravest th….
Conservatives... are so opposed to government regulations that they are skeptical of anyone who identifies a problem that requires regulatory solutio….
The science is crystal clear: we humans are the primary cause of global warming, and we face a bleak future if we fail to act quickly..
We have been getting rich by depleting all our natural stocks - water, hydrocarbons, forests, rivers, fish and arable land - and not by generating re….
You must become a climate champion, a single-issue voter. You must take whatever action you can. You must use whatever influence you have wherever it….
In 2003... the White House conspired with an oil-company funded think tank to block a major government scientific report that sought to spell out the….
On moral grounds, I think that if you believe a certain outcome is a very possible outcome, you have an obligation to tell people that. With global w….
Ideology trumps rationality. Most conservatives cannot abide the solution to global warming - strong government regulations and a government-led effo….
The United States could dramatically reduce its carbon emissions per kilowatt-hour without raising its overall energy bill..
The last time Earth was 1°C warmer than today, sea levels were 20 feet higher..
The great political tragedy of our time is that conservative leaders in America have chosen to use their superior messaging and political skills to t….
Do believe that if we fail to act in time, it will be the single biggest regret any of us has at the end of our lives..
Would PBS go so far as to give air time to an even more extreme kind of disinformer, a Holocaust denier?.
When people ask me what they should do, I reply, "Get informed, get outraged, and then get political.".
The coal plants that will be built from 2005 to 2030 will release as much carbon dioxide as all of the coal burned since the industrial revolution mo….
The best thing about improvements in health care is that all the climate-change deniers are now going to live long enough to see how wrong they were..
By the end of the third decade of this century, all of American life - politics, international relations, our homes, our jobs, our industries, the ki….
Conservative Denyers and Delayers are the main reason America lacks the consensus and the political will to take up the fight against catastrophic cl….
The first few feet of sea-level rise alone will displace more than 100 million people worldwide and turn all our major Gulf and Atlantic coast cities….
The Asia-Pacific Partnership is a climate suicide pact. It is playing Russian roulette with six bullets in your gun..