Occupation: Author Birth: 1960
Assault weapons—just like armor-piercing bullets, machine guns, and plastic firearms—are a new topic. The weapons' menacing looks, coupled with the p….
Although the District of Columbiahas had a ban on handgun sale and possession since 1976, Washingtonresidents are held hostage by the lax gun laws of….
Handguns are a public-health problem..
Fear, physical pain, and death are just part of the price Americans pay for the easy access of handguns. It is estimated that the total costs to Amer….
You can't get around the image of people shooting at people toprotect their stores and it working. This is damaging to the [guncontrol] movement..
... immediately call on Congress to pass far-reaching industry regulation like the Firearms Safety and Consumer Protection Act ... [which] would give….
Today's N.R.A. is, in reality, nothing more than a gun industry trade association masquerading as a shooting sports foundation. The organization's ag….
One tenet of the National Rifle Association's faith has always been that handgun controls do little to stop criminals from obtaining handguns. For on….
To end the crisis [of gun violence], we have to regulate -or, in the case of handguns and assault weapons, completely ban -the product. We are far pa….
The NRA is right...handgun controls do little to stop criminals from obtaining handguns..
The word 'hate' is a very carefully chosen word. There's got to be a real sense of revulsion and disgust. People are looking for someone to blame, so….
Americans are ready to hate somebody -- and it's going to be the gun industry..