Occupation: Painter Birth: 1977
Believing that navel-gazing in and of itself can transform itself into something that means something for society. I mean, we are communicative creat….
I love the idea of engaging religious sentiment and how that vocabulary has evolved over time..
What's interesting about young black American artists within the twentieth century, and increasingly within the twenty-first as well, is that there's….
All the world's a stage. P.T. Barnum: It becomes a circus. But circuses or street pageants or parades have always been useful in a society.They've al….
I have a really strong suspicion of the romantic nature of portraiture, the idea that you're telling some essential truth about the interior lives of….
You know, one of my - one of my best and, I think, most enlightening moments was when I was contacted by Michael Jackson. And he requested that I pai….
It never really understood its own situational luxury. And I think that by and large the privilege of being Kehinde Wiley in the 21st century, making….
There is something to be said about laying bare the vocabulary of the aristocratic measure, right? There's something to be said about allowing the po….
I was trying. I was crawling. I was coming into myself. I was trying to in some ways get beyond - what is the word that I'm looking for? - metaphoric….
I have a lot of problems with Western European easel painting..
Going back to that idea that painting sits still and that we give ourselves over to it over time. There's a difference between living with - imagine ….
Going to the Huntington gardens and libraries was radically important for me. They have one of the best collections of 18th- and 19th-century British….
I think it's really useful to create parameters. The term you use can be forwarded into something more like a grid, a rubric, a system that you apply….
I grew up in South Central Los Angeles, where people are in cars..
The ability to look at certain patterns with regards to urban fashion, with regards to swagger, with regards to cultural hegemony, with regards to th….
I noticed that the work of my non - I noticed that the work of my friends who were white and male, specifically, existed in a type of freedom that wa….
I feel sometimes constrained by the expectation that the work should be solely political. I try to create a type of work that is at the service of my….
I think that an obsession with art history gave rise to the work..
I think that I'm increasingly aware of the fact that in order to work towards any statement that's radically global or universal, you have to start i….
When we talk about Orientalist painting, we're talking about painting generally from the seventeenth through the nineteenth century, and some would s….
I went back to my mother's house recently and I saw some of my earlier works as a 15-year-old art student. And a lot of them were reiterations of cla….