Occupation: U.S. Representative Birth: August 4, 1963
These folks are telling Donald Trump that if he tries to move out on his plan to have a deportation squad, to harm Americans, and if he does - and if….
We want to be making clear that if [Donald Trump] tries to deliver on his word, that we will be there to say no..
You know, the elites always want to shame the poor - right? - and everyone else. I mean, the fact is, this economy is based on 70 percent of the peop….
One thing that I'd just remind young people of is that when John Lewis, who's a member of Congress today, defied George Wallace and led the march fro….
I'll just say, you know, over the course of the last quarter century I've learned a lot..
If people are given a TV-educated idea of what Islam is, I have the opportunity to push back on that and say ISIS does not speak for the Muslim world….
I've been winning with 70 percent of the vote, and if you look at my district, you know it's a majority Christian district, and yet we've still been ….
The most important criteria for a DNC chair is going to be vision..
After I win the job and even in the course of seeking it, we're going to be building bridges. And we're going to be meeting people and addressing the….
I've been talking to people all over the country, city council members, grassroots leaders, party leaders, members in Congress - and you know what? T….
This is essential that we have a resurgence in democratic participation. And I don't mean big-D Democrat, I mean small-D democrat. I mean getting inv….
We've got to build a durable relationship of trust with voters around the things that they are most concerned about..
I'm happy to talk to anybody about anything..
I think that Paul Ryan could be a great leader for our country. But I think that he is in a moral choice moment, and so far, he`s choosing wrong Dona….
If you ignore somebody's record and only focus on something that happened 25 years ago when all they were doing even then was trying to stand up for ….
I was very proud to be part of the Million Man March. I think it's one of the best things that I ever did..
The fact is, is that Donald Trump knows that as he rifles money from the working and middle classes up to the super rich, he has to sow division amon….
People feel like there're two systems of justice, you know? Over there at Wells Fargo, you know, you had the scandal going on there, but the CEO leav….
As chairman of the DNC, [Keith ] Ellison says he would replicate that kind of turnout on a national scale. But we spoke yesterday about some history ….
Vision and the ability to mobilize and inspire people at the grassroots. That's what the most important criteria is going to be for any DNC chair..
Environmental spending creates jobs in engineering, manufacturing, construction, materials, operations and maintenance..