Occupation: Snowboarder Birth: July 26, 1983
You can’t let your current circumstances dictate what kind of choices you make..
You’ve got to fight for that connection with God all the time no matter what you're going through in life. I'm growing up. I'm maturing. But I defini….
We're not meant to do it on our own. We're meant to do life with God and with each other. I've been fortunate to have friends that are willing to inv….
I don't look to my situation to determine what choices I make. I've developed a good sense of values and beliefs. That's my reality. No matter where ….
Instead of thinking about building up my image or building up my brand or building up my career, I've turned it and taken the approach of focusing on….
Snowboarding was everything that I knew. That's what I did and I poured everything I had into it. I thought that being successful and achieving my go….
I feel like there is great purpose in a lot of my endeavors. I've seen God in the middle of them. I've seen Him be faithful in those things..
Right before they named the (2014) team, I stepped back and I allowed myself to realize what I had accomplished. I got overwhelmed and the tears came….
I thought being a Christian was about following rules and going to church and being good all the time, but this girl helped me understand that it's a….
When I was 20, I was contemplating quitting. I was at the first event of the season and I overhead a conversation between two girls. One told the oth….
I'm not trying to snowboard for other people anymore. That just kind of comes with age and growing up. That's helped me a lot. Some of that started r….