Occupation: Author
It is hard to convince people of this, but oatmeal truly is miraculous. It gives you an amazing amount of energy, like cocaine..
A slightly modified version of the Serenity Prayer: Lord, grant me the serenity to ignore the assholes I cannot avoid; The luck to avoid the ones I c….
Intentions are nice, but ultimately intentions don't really matter because they only exist inside you..
You're a grown up, and you get to decide what behaviors affect you for five minutes versus what behaviors change you as a person..
One of the most jolting days of adulthood comes the first time you run out of toilet paper. Toilet paper, up until this point, always just existed. A….
Here is what I'm trying to tell you: Adult isn't a noun, it's a verb. It's the act of making correctly those small decisions that fill our day. It is….
Meaning to send a thank-you note but then not doing it is exactly the same as never thinking to send one - that person is still receiving zero thank ….