Birth: January 6, 1930
The psychological pain--and the ethical shame--of American poverty are made greater by the fact that this country possesses the wealth and the energy….
Despite the long-term reduction in familial roles and functions, we believe that parents are still the world's greatest experts about the needs of th….
In the past the intrinsic pleasures of parenthood for most American families were increased by the extrinsic economic return thatchildren brought. To….
It is misleading to discuss recent changes in family life without emphasizing the fact that for generations some Americans have had to raise children….
In brief, we have no explicit family policy but instead have a haphazard patchwork of institutions and programs designed mostly under crisis conditio….
Poor children live in a particularly dangerous world--an urban world of broken stair railings, of busy streets serving as playgrounds, of lead paint,….
Parents still have primary responsibility for raising children, but they must have the power to do so in ways consistent with their children's needs ….
The most important difference between these early American families and our own is that early families constituted economic unitsin which all members….
We measure the success of schools not by the kinds of human beings they promote but by whatever increases in reading scores they chalk up. We have al….
One current reaction to change in families, for example, is the proposal for more "education for parenthood," on the theory that this training will n….
Today's parents have little authority over those others with whom they share the task of raising their children. On the contrary,most parents deal wi….
Television thus illustrates the mixed blessings of technological change in American society. It is a new medium, promising extraordinary benefits: gr….
For Americans the contradiction between national ideal and social fact required explanation and correction. Ultimately this contradiction did not lea….
In the early nineteenth century, the doctrine of self-sufficiency came to apply to families as well as individuals.... The familybecame a special pro….
The myth of self-sufficiency blinds us to the workings of other forces in family life. For families are not now, nor were they ever, the self-suffici….
Mothers work outside the home for many reasons; one of them is almost always because their families need their income to live up to their standards f….
Within forty years of their arrival in the Plymouth colony, the first white settlers were afraid their children had lost the dedication and religious….
The myth of the self-sufficient individual and of the self-sufficient, protected, and protective familytells us that those who need help are ultimate….
In the end, the fate of children depends on our ability to use technology constructively and carefully. The connection of childrenand technology is n….
To be sure, changes in American family structure have been fairly continuous since the first European settlements, but today thesechanges seem to be ….
Confronted with the unhappy facts of exclusion, we sometimes reassure ourselves by telling stories: the poor boys who made it, theblacks who became a….