Occupation: Editor Birth: August 14, 1952
Humans are the reproductive organs of technology..
The only factor becoming scarce in a world of abundance is human attention..
Preserve the core, and let the rest flux. In their wonderful bestseller Built to Last, authors James Collins and Jerry Porras make a convincing argum….
We are infected by our own misunderstandin g of how our own minds work..
Managing bottom-up change is its own art..
Our society lacks a feedback loop for controlling technology: a way to gauge intended effects from actual effects later on.
The organization and the environment are in concert..
Why fear feedback? Why stigmatize failure in the workplace when it's bringing you closer to achieving your organizational goals..
In a broad systems sense, an organism's environment is indistinguishable from the organism itself..
Softball isn't just a game it's away of life..
A single thread of self generation ties the cosmos, the bios, and the technos together into one creation. Humans are not the culmination of this traj….
Technology is all the accumulated usefulness that our minds invent..
The only organization capable of unprejudiced growth, or unguided learning, is a network. All othertopologies limit what can happen.
I work in a "you scratch my back, and I'll stab yours" kind of a place..
Since a relationship involves two members investing in it, its value increases twice as fast as one's investment..
It has become evident that the primary lesson of the study of evolution is that all evolution is coevolution: every organism is evolving in tandem wi….
The most certain thing you can say about the environment tomorrow is that it probably is going to be just like today, for the most part..
An organization is a set of relationships that are persistent over time..
Well, here's what you can do, and that's about it..
An organization's intelligence is distributed to the point of being ubiquitous..
The very long tail of the future is already here..