Occupation: Singer Birth: April 14, 1965
My drug of choice is beer. It's not only socially accepted, you can't even watch a football game without having it shoved in your face a thousand tim….
I write my lyrics the day I sing the song, so even when I have the basic things, I'm thinking what can I change, what can I add, how many harmonies c….
Drinking goes with everything, there's always an excuse to drink. We sell beer and liquor 24/7/365 everywhere, you can buy a 5th of vodka at 3am on E….
I love to write and have the basic foundation of what the song's all about. Then once the drums are done it's time for fun for me, because I don't kn….
I'm touring and I'm bored and it's an off day or I'm travelling and boom, there ya go, it's fun again cause I'm drunk..
Staying busy keeps me away from being bored, which used to be a lot of my problem..
You can't get away, I can't fill my car up at a gas station without Coors Light, Bud Light, Corona, whatever, it's just the way it is..