Occupation: Author Birth: March 3, 1969
When my birth parents were murdered, I stayed outdoors all night with the bodies. Years later in America, around fourteen, my psychiatrist explained ….
Though the white man is a kind of Satan, and though the black man is Satan for selling his own children into bondage and assassinating the image of h….
Africans believed that the woman's bare breast represented God, the circle of life and the moral cleanliness of human beings..
I appear topless as a way of holding on to my Nilotic culture, and I also do it to taunt those Africans who are ashamed of our original cultural beli….
I love cooking for men and making love with them'not just reproductive lovemaking but I like sex for the sake of freaking out with men..
I'm too good for assimilation..
I was adopted my black Americans, I feel that I'm a 'Hybrid'. When I'm around Africans'I suddenly feel very black American. And when I'm around black….
Because I was in psychiatric treatment for most of my childhood and had to learn English and had to adjust to a white-dominated society, I truly know….
People don't want truth, they just want trash..
I never wanted anyone to know about me and Osama [Bin Laden]. I wanted that to be a secret that I carried to my grave, and since I wasn't the one who….
I have much more power and protection than Salman Rushdie, because I'm an American citizen, but yes, I live in terrible fear for my life and for the ….
Men always liked me, because I was very damaged and unpredictable, my children's father claims that I have multiple personalities, but I don't..
In 2004, I went to Israel and gave a speech that resulted in guns and ammunition being given to the South Sudanese rebels, specifically Commanders At….
I value men and I don't necessarily want to adopt the man's role, but I do want to see women's humanity honored and respected..
The media has outright lied on me. They reported that I called myself Osama's [Bin Laden] 'sex slave,' apparently unaware that sex slaves aren't allo….
I warn black Americans'don't get too mixed. A little is fine, but not to the point where you're out of the family..
My sons are very protective and loving towards me, but I don't know what's in their secret minds about me..
I was born to an Arab father and I was born Islamic..
The Black woman is the most unprotected, unloved woman on earth...she is the only flower on earth...that grows unwatered..
I don't see a huge difference between the African condition and the black American condition. The only real difference is that black Americans live i….
One of my brothers in my adopted family converted to Islam and I love him with all my heart. I have Muslim women who understand my pain and they give….