Birth: October 8, 1928
It is almost impossible for children and youth to find their way through the seas of life without the guiding light of a good example..
It is only when we love God and Christ with all of our hearts, souls, and minds that we are able to share this love with our neighbors through acts o….
Though this world has a way of diminishing and demeaning men and women, the reality is we are all of royal, divine lineage. In that unprecedented app….
Because we love the Lord, we should be spiritually sensitive to moments when the powerful and important truths of the gospel can be shared with other….
I believe our Heavenly Father’s everlasting purpose for His children is generally achieved by the small and simple things we do for one another. At t….
Clear declaration of truth makes a difference in people's lives. That is what changes hearts. That is what the Holy Ghost can confirm in the hearts o….
Our love for our Father in Heaven and the Lord Jesus Christ needs to be reflected in our daily choices and actions. They have promised peace, joy, an….
We must never ignore or pass by the prompting of the Spirit to render service to one another..
Remember, presidents and bishops, that the callings of your associates are just as divinely inspired as is yours, and they are therefore entitled to ….
The Lord needs women who will step forward in righteousness and say, 'Here am I, send me.'.
The joy of motherhood comes in moments. ... Families need unstructured time when relationships can deepen and real parenting can take place. Take tim….
What matters most is what lasts the longest and families are forever..
In both the Holy Land of the New Testament and the promised land of the Book of Mormon, [our Savior] spent considerable time teaching and instructing….
There is no such thing as unlawful censorship in the home. Movies, magazines, television, videos, the Internet, and other media are there as guests a….
Trust the Lord. He is the good shepherd. He knows His sheep. And His sheep know His voice..
Procreative power & priesthood power are shared by husband & wife.
A mother's nurturing love arouses in children, from their earliest days on earth, an awakening of the memories of love and goodness they experience i….
Our most basic institution of family desperately needs help and support from the extended family and the public institutions that surround us. Brothe….
What we need now is the greatest generation of young adults in the history of the Church. We need your whole heart and soul. In other words, it's tim….
In your morning prayer each new day, ask Heavenly Father to guide you to recognize an opportunity to serve one of His precious children. Then go thro….
Our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the source of spiritual power that will give you and me the assurance that we have nothing to fear..