Birth: April 13, 1919 Death: September 29, 1995
I don't think anybody should be celibate - and that goes for priests as well as nuns. I don't even like to alter a cat. We should all live life to th….
You don't need a marriage license to live with someone, to have the security of a home, to rear any number of children, to have years of companionshi….
Late one night our house was attacked with stones and bricks by five or six young Christians, and my father got very upset and frightened. Well, the ….
I was about 12 or 13 years old. I picked up the Bible and read it from cover to cover one weekend ,just as if it were a novel, very rapidly, and I've….
I picked up the Bible and read it from cover to cover one weekend - just as if it were a novel - very rapidly, and I've never gotten over the shock o….
I feel that everyone who wants to say anything, do anything, should be able to say anything or do anything, within the limits of not hurting another ….
Engineers have a very limited education and background, I think you need to move into the broader humanities in order to become a total person..
No god ever gave any man anything, nor ever answered any prayer at any time - nor ever will..
I went into the Army, and one day, in the middle of a bull session, somebody called me an atheist. Believe it or not, it was the first time I'd ever ….
When I learned that there was such a thing as an atheist, I looked it up - and found out that the definition fitted me to a tee. Finally, at the age ….
I just can't see either a man or a woman in a dependency position, because from this sort of relationship flows a feeling of superiority on one side ….
Pope John XXIII was an amoeba of goodness in a sea of waste, mistakenly believing that the Holy See could or would really change in any fundamental w….
Words divorced from action supporting them are meaningless and hypocritical..
About six years ago, Life magazine ran an article on the historicity of Jesus and I was floored to find that they conceded the only evidence we have ….
Even if I believed there was a real Jesus, I wouldn't fall for that line of hogwash. The "Virgin" Mary should get a posthumous medal for telling the ….
I'm saying that there's absolutely no conclusive evidence that Jesus ever really existed, even as a mortal. I don't believe he was a historical figur….
In his book The Quest of the Historical Jesus, the most definitive study that's ever been done on the subject, Albert Schweitzer admitted that there ….
Ill tell you, Mr. Thomas, why some Christians are afraid of me. They're not sure that what they believe is really true. If they were sure, I wouldn't….
If any one age could be singled out as the worst in the history of Christendom, it would be the administration of Pope Pius XII, the most reactionary….
The history of the Church has been a history of divisiveness, repression and reaction. For almost 2000 years, Christianity has held mankind back in p….
The atheist realizes that there must not only be an acceptance of his right to hold his opinion, but that ultimately his is the job to turn his cultu….