Occupation: Author Birth: 1957
Ensuring a healthy future means investing in the generation who will carry that future..
Digital gadgets often plug us into an environment that's more cluttered than the real world..
Anonymity is not necessarily something to shun; we don't have to achieve celebrity to make a mark on the world..
In media terms, the camera always lies, providing an edited version of reality..
GenXers naturally bristle at hierarchies, but thrive on partnerships..
Lasting solutions to many social problems will be found only as we each learn to say, 'I am society'..
Marketers reinforce the idea - a false one - that celebrity is available to everyone..
Societies don't become less self-indulgent; people do..
Building a better future will depend on our ability to appreciate generational differences..
Nothing is more dangerous for society's future than having its young people grow old before their time..
Ethically, what one generation tolerates the next may treat as normal..
Technology works best when it facilitates human hope, activism, engagement & intervention..
Ours is an age that's often obsessed with knowledge at the expense of wisdom..
Confidence, not paper or digital money, is the key currency in a capitalist system..
We are products not of our technologies, but of our choices about how to use them..
People no longer want to see themselves primarily as consumers, but as activists..
For any alliance to work, the focus must remain on solving specific problems..
Millennials expect to create a better future, using the collaborative power of digital technology..
People can only function at their best if they know that what they do actually matters beyond the corporate front door..
Celebrity is more than a culture today; it is an industry, complete with fame factories..
Sex education should be 'relationship education', focusing on how to achieve long-term commitment..