Occupation: Member Of The Australian Parliament Birth: October 24, 1954
All Australians understand that high-quality, reliable and affordable broadband is a critical part of the infrastructure our nation needs to prosper ….
One of the most important things for a country, particularly when it's seeking to attract long-term capital in big risky projects that are going to h….
We are already experiencing the symptoms of climate change, especially with a hotter and drier climate in southern Australia - the rush to construct ….
In terms of our region, what we need to ensure is that the rise of China [is] conducted in a manner that does not disturb the security and the relati….
Governments enjoying surpluses have a very strong temptation to splash money around, and while tax cuts are always appealing, cutting taxes at the to….
I've always been prepared to put my money where my mouth is..
The royal commissions are successful and effective when they have a focused terms of reference and can do the job quickly and report. And then action….
I believe politicians should aim to be accurate and truthful in what they say at all times. You can be truthful and inaccurate but what you shouldn't….
I try to talk about policy issues intelligently, I try very hard to avoid thought bubbles. I make sure my speeches are well researched and footnoted.….
You will never find a better friend to the United States than Australia..
In economics, one of the most important concepts is 'opportunity cost' - the idea that once you spend your money on something, you can't spend it aga….
Everything we do as a government is focused on getting help and support for hard-working Australian families. We are standing up for them..
What you've got to do is recognize that you don't control everything for a start, you've got to play the cards you're dealt, the hand of cards you're….
On balance, after weighing the arguments, I believe that the time has come for Australia to create a new sovereign wealth fund..
What every prime minister struggles with and every leader struggles with is how to balance the two objectives; firstly that of ensuring that all asyl….
you cannot maintain popular support for immigration policy, multiculturalism, unless you can control your borders..
While our energy efficiency is improving, there is a very high correlation, almost near perfect correlation, between GDP growth, and energy usage..
Many Liberals are rightly dismayed that on this vital issue of climate change we are not simply without a policy, without any prospect of having a cr….
If you try to come to Australia by boat, even if we think you are the best person in the world, even if you are a Nobel Prize winning genius, we will….
Anyone who thinks it's smart to cut immigration is sentencing Australia to poverty..
This is a very tough business, politics. It's easy to get resentful or full of bitterness ... (but) I think hatred hurts the hater more than the hate….