Occupation: Philosopher
We should be as careful of our words as of our actions..
There is no more sure tie between friends than when they are united in their objects and wishes..
Probability is the very guide of life..
Because all the sick do not recover, therefore medicine is not an art..
Prosperity demands of us more prudence and moderation than adversity..
No one sees what is before his feet: we all gaze at the stars. [Lat., Quod est ante pedes nemo spectat: coeli scrutantur plagas.].
Friendship is the only point in human affairs concerning the benefit of which all, with one voice, agree..
No man in his senses will dance..
The strictest law often causes the most serious wrong.
Who doesn't know that the first law of history is not to dare to say anything false, and the second is not to refrain from saying anything true?.
Like, according to the old proverb, naturally goes with like..
As you have sown so shall you reap..
In the master there is a servant, in the servant a master..
Though liberty is established by law, we must be vigilant, for liberty to enslave us is always present under that very liberty. Our Constitution spe….
The memory of past troubles is pleasant. [Lat., Jucunda memoria est praeteritorum malorum.].
Few are those who wish to be endowed with virtue rather than to seem so..
I look upon the pleasure we take in a garden as one of the most innocent delights in human life..
That folly of old age which is called dotage is peculiar to silly old men, not to age itself..
Thus nature has no love for solitude, and always leans, as it were, on some support; and the sweetest support is found in the most intimate friendshi….
Everything that thou reprovest in another, thou must most carefully avoid in thyself. [Lat., Omnia quae vindicaris in altero, tibi ipsi vehementer fu….
For if that last day does not occasion an entire extinction, but a change of abode only, what can be more desirable? And if it, on the other hand, de….