Occupation: Psychologist Birth: 1953
I saw a werewolf drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic's. His hair was perfect..
The reason I want to explain that you're probably never going to get revenge a sociopath and you're also probably not going to redeem this person, is….
Conscience is the still small voice that has been trying since the infancy of our species to tell us that we are evolutionarily, emotionally, and spi….
In Western culture, particularly North America, a lot of rules are descriptors for sociopathy: a general acceptance of lying as long as you win, an a….
The most reliable sign, the most universal behavior of unscrupulous people is not directed, as one might imagine, at our fearfulness. It is, perverse….
Being sociopath is not what most people would consider to be winning. Most of us have some kind of positive goal in mind when we think of winning. A ….
If you see somebody really pulling for your sympathy while at the same time hurting you intermittently, you should start to wonder. If somebody plays….
In northwest Alaska, kunlangeta "might be applied to a man who, for example, repeatedly lies and cheats and steals things and does not go hunting, an….
Sociopaths are often extremely charming. They are people who are better than you and me at charming people, at being charismatic. I've heard this mor….
We raise our children, especially girls, to ignore their spontaneious reactions-we teach them not to rock the societal boat...By the time she is thir….
Sociopathy is the inability to process emotional experience, including love and caring, except when such experience can be calculated as a coldly int….
The central trait of sociopathy is a complete lack of conscience, which is very difficult for most people to get their heads around, because those of….
Sociopaths are not usually physically violent. A typical sociopath never kills anybody and doesn't look like Charles Manson - they look like you and ….
I am sure that if the devil existed, he would want us to feel very sorry for him..
The sociopath wants the person to be easily enough fooled to stick with him. This can be accomplished by looking for someone who is very, very loyal.….
A part of a healthy conscience is being able to confront consciencelessness. When you teach your daughter, explicitly or by passive rejection, that s….
If courage is acting according to one's conscience despite pain or fear, then strength is the ability to keep conscience awake and in force despite t….
Sociopaths love power. They love winning. If you take loving kindness out of the human brain, there's not much left except the will to win..
If you don't have a conscience, what is your behavior like? Apparently, if you don't have a conscience, if you don't really . . . love, then the only….
One way or another, a life without conscience is a failed life..
Sociopaths are not inhibited by the notion that it's wrong to be addicted, or wrong to buy illegal drugs. Also, drinking or taking drugs can be a lot….