Occupation: Actor Birth: July 14, 1966
The system is not working. That is how a paradigm shift begins: the established way of seeing the world no longer functions..
By cutting ourselves off from the rest of creation, we are left bereft of awe and wonder and therefore of reverence and gratitude. We violate our ver….
The whole purpose of letting pain be pain is this: to let go of pain. By entering into it, we see that we are strong enough and capable enough to mov….
Faith takes us to deep places, to the ruptures in our self-confidence and our lives. Do not settle for spiritual comfort all the time...Darkness is d….
What is common to all paths that are spiritual is, of course, the Spirit-breath, life energy, that is why all true paths are essentially one path, be….
The universe is in the habit of making beauty. There are flowers and songs, snowflakes and smiles, acts of great courage, laughter between friends, a….
Compassion is not pity ... compassion never considers an object as weak or inferior. Compassion, one might say, works from a strength born of awarene….
Creation is all space, all time - all things past, present, and future..
A global awakening can only happen from a spiritual awakening that is of global dimensions..
To connect with the great river we all need a path, but when you get down there there's only one river..
We must work on our souls, enlarging and expanding them. We do so by experiencing all of life-the beauty and the joy as well as the grief and pain. S….
Animals love. They love their being. They strive to survive, to celebrate, to propagate . So certainly something we learn from animals is love. To su….
When our inner self connects to our work and our work to our inner self, the work knows no limit, for the inner self knows no limit..
We all share beauty. It strikes us indiscriminately. There is no end to the beauty for the person who is aware. Even the cracks between the sidewalk ….
Awe is the beginning of wisdom. Awe is the beginning of education..
Healthy mysticism praises acts of letting go, of being emptied, of getting in touch with the space inside and expanding this until it merges with the….
We honor life when we work. The type of work is not important: the fact of work is. All work feeds the soul if it is honest and done to the best of o….
What is of most moment of compassion is not feelings of pity but feelings of togetherness..
We are in the cosmos and the cosmos is in us..
Beauty saves. Beauty heals. Beauty motivates. Beauty unites. Beauty returns us to our origins, and here lies the ultimate act of saving, of healing, ….
If you look closely at a tree you'll notice it's knots and dead branches, just like our bodies. What we learn is that beauty and imperfection go toge….