Occupation: Writer
Black women have been cultured to compare not connect..
As a busy, grown ass woman, I don't have the time. What I do is I keep myself and my hair hydrated - I drink lots of water and wet my hair frequently….
Hair is what connects women in Dakar and Detroit, Oprah [Winfrey] and Opal [Tometi] the Black Lives Matter activist. There's a story in every kink, c….
Being an Image Activist simply means to be in action of supporting, celebrating and creating honest images of a group you care about, or yourself..
My approach is to be honest-really honest-and consistent. That is what any growth will take. It is an issue I think [young] generation can be courage….
MAD FREE is a conversation project, not an organization, but I've literally have seen women have breakthroughs in real time. They learn and connect. ….
Defining oneself is a revolutionary act, and, as described in her memoir, Janet Mock fiercely fought to free herself with exquisite bravery and sensi….
MAD FREE is simply described as "Liberating Conversations with Revolutionary Women about Beauty, Image and Power". It began as a Salon series in NY l….
How I grew to believe Black hair has power, genius, and magic in it, defying gravity and limitation. I mean, look at how marvelous it is: Black hair ….
I've been waiting years to have a conversation with Franchesa [Ramsey]! She's so funny and wicked smart. So that's really going to be the experience ….
I couldn't bare the idea of not being in regular communication with the audience I love - young women of color..
I seek to widen, narrow narratives of women of color..