Birth: 1953
Mirror neurons make human empathy possible..
If you adopt the body language of a power player, it will greatly facilitate your ability to be a power player..
Emotions are charismatic. Focused emotions are very charismatic. To lead people with charisma, you need to take charge of and focus your emotions..
Sometimes, with leaders, the stakes are very high indeed. Churchill, in WWII, for example, could not afford to utter publicly his concerns about Engl….
Indeed, we learn far more from our mistakes than our successes..
The questionnaire is a simple first step toward becoming more self-aware..
You have to learn to trust - and listen to - your unconscious mind. If you pose the question to your unconscious "is this person a friend or a foe" -….
A language like Ruby is a toolbox with some really neat little tools that do their job really nicely. JavaScript is a leather sheath with a really re….
Every human emits unconscious vocal undertones that determine who the leader is in the room..
Gestures come first! Before we're consciously aware of our thoughts, we start to gesture. Pay attention to your gestures, and others', and you can be….
The key is to become aware of how you are signaling your presence in meetings, conversations, speeches - everywhere you show up. Then you can take ch….
The whole reason to study (and learn to control) body language is to have that support (rather than undercut) your message..
You have to begin by posing questions to your unconscious mind, and then listening very carefully for the answers. If you pose the right kinds of que….
The unconscious mind governs our decision-making, and much of our communications. It's imperative, if you want to be a successful leader, to become a….
Speakers find joy in public speaking when they realize that a speech is all about the audience, not the speaker. Most speakers are so caught up in th….
The world is a very big place and there are many wonderful people in with ideas you haven't thought about. Talk to them, find out what they're thinki….
In cyberspace, we get many fewer cues about the emotional states and attitudes of the people we're talking to. That makes it less interesting, easier….
You can strengthen your leadership voice by finding what I call its Maximum Resonance Point and learning to pitch your voice there. That gives you th….
Leaders can only lead willing, preferably zealous followers so don't get too far out in front of your team..
Don't let TV be a babysitter!!!!.
The person in power takes up the most space..