Occupation: Artist Birth: February 5, 1967
Your rainbow panorama enters into a dialogue with the existing architecture and reinforces what is assured beforehand, that is to say the view of the….
I see the artist as a participant, a co-producer of reality. I do not see the artist as a person who sits at a distance and evaluates..
There are 1.3 billion people today who have no access to electricity. Many of them rely on kerosene lanterns for light, but kerosene is both expensiv….
Having an experience is taking part in the world. Taking part in the world is really about sharing responsibility..
Over the years, in making art, I have constantly explored issues dealing with space, time, light, and society. I am particularly interested in how th….
In many rural areas of the world, local communities use kerosene for indoor lighting, which leads to asthma, poor quality of light, and the desperate….
If I have the choice of traveling to Russia, India or New Zealand alone for a week for preliminary discussions or to spend that week with my family, ….
I want to expose and evaluate the fact that the seeing and sensing process is a system that should not be taken for granted as natural - it's a culti….
For the sake of sanity, the brain and the eyes keep things simple. But take away the sense of sight and suddenly things are not so simple..
I do not think making art alone makes it any better than making it with a team of people..
I don't think you need to be so result-oriented when you're trying to define the success of an art work. I think we can allow some unpredictability..
My goal is to formulate a new color theory based on the full spectrum of visible light..
I always try to make work that activates the viewer to be a co-producer of our shared reality..
By bringing Little Sun to Tate Modern and the London Olympics, I hope to realise an art project for those who typically have no access to global even….
The viewer brings something individual to the experience of any artwork..
I was interested in how we engage the world. How do we use our skin as our eyes? If you read a cityscape or a landscape with just your mind, and not ….
Photographs have a relevance for things that cannot be said..
It would be wrong to say that the city of Berlin is not regulated. What I think is more interesting is to what extent a city creates a sort of safe h….
I can use the camera to make a place or landscape; the camera to a greater extent projects rather than takes in or reproduces. The camera, or, rather….
When museums are left with so little money that their future is in the hands of private donors, then they are unable to develop their own signatures ….
I don't know a single collector or museum director who says: 'Oh, he's on a list, so I think I'll buy something of his.' The people who buy my art pu….