Occupation: Actress Birth: December 29, 1959
I like to think of myself as a free spirit. I've never married. I'm not conventional in that way. But I do like romance. I've been fortunate enough t….
In 8th grade I started doing theatre and I remember it was as though I had taken a trip to a foreign land that I had never seen before yet felt compl….
I try to take off the rose-colored glasses and view it in all facets, but I probably would be lying if I didn't say that probably the way in for a fi….
That's the hardest part of acting: when it is ultra-personal, when it is deeply personal, and there's no lying involved. You can't fake it, you can't….
I will say from the outset, I think if you're great, you're great from the very beginning. And because I do think it is innate and I do think it is a….
I'm obsessed. I've always needed to know what's going on but now it's a must..
At the core, I am an actress. And I think, in a way, that's a good thing in that I am, I think, empathetic and sympathetic to the film. I would never….
But I have had the luxury of working on good films with great people..
I have stunning friends. I value my friendships as I value my family..
And I have a really great agent and I know it's almost an oxymoron to say you have a smart agent. But she is and she has a beautiful aesthetic and sh….
Even though I'm a free spirit, I like to keep my friends and my lovers separate. I have extraordinary friends, but I don't want to see them naked..
I really haven't joined the 20th or the 21st century yet. Someday. I'm getting closer. I have voicemail and a fax machine..
If my gravy train stops at SAG, honey, it's been a great ride..
Talent is a very potent aphrodisiac. When someone is incredibly gifted, I find them incredibly sexy..
New Orleans. Born and raised. I lived there until I was 19..
I have to watch the news or my day is not complete..
I love writers. All of my best friends are writers..
I think it would be hard to go the distance in this business without a sense of humor..
The odds are not in your favor the older you get, especially if you're a woman in this business..
I think it kind of took being a character actor to kind of now enter into leading ladies..
But no, had I been successful in my 20s I would have been just fine. But it is nice to defy the odds..