Birth: August 14, 1940 Death: November 16, 2015
Stephen Hawking won [Babson Institute competition ] one year with his black hole stuff. It's keeping an open mind on whether gravity exists or not. I….
It was on Long John's show that I heard Orfeo Angelucci being interviewed. In other words, the whole thing about the green globes on the top of a car….
[H.P.Lovecraft] is thrust into some kind of outer space realm, like here [pointing toward the painting in progress]. In other words, he's recognized ….
Anyway, my father became super-responsible. You know, he was the kind of person that absorbs all responsibility in the family, and then everybody els….
I started with "Pickman's Model," because it was about Boston. I mean, what I loved about [H. P. Lovecraft], at first is his sense of scholarship of ….
[My father] was always upset that my mother didn't want to live in New York. Because he said he wanted to live in a hotel and not have to mow the law….
The main thesis of mind-physics holds that consciousness and matter are both manifestations of a more primary entity, and that the processes of manif….
I went to the Mary Lee Burbank School in Belmont. And it was a place where you, like, learned to go to the store? And I was saying, Oh God, I want to….
When [my father] reached his majority, he was the head of the family. Everybody depended upon him. He went into a very uptight appearance; he would w….
[My father] was also a lawyer in his bank and specialized in tax law. He would have to do the tax returns for all the Harvard profs because they were….
I mean, even New York isn't in any great shape anymore in relation to the rest of the world..