Occupation: Professor Birth: 1954
The future belongs to neither the conduit or content players, but those who control the filtering, searching and sense-making tools we will rely on t….
It's interesting to see the lament of each generation overwhelmed by the next new tool. I can show you passages from scholars of Germany in the 1480s….
We invent our technologies and then we turn around and use our technologies to reinvent ourselves as individuals, communities and cultures..
It turns out it takes 30 years for a new idea to seep into the culture. Technology does not drive change. It is our collective response to the option….
I think it was Samuel Johnson who said, "There are two kinds of information in this world: that what you know and that what you know where to get." T….
Never mistake a clear view for a short distance..
This new world of personal media - the Web, the Internet and et cetera - not only delivers the world to your living rooms, but everywhere. And we get….
I worry about a society that can remember everything..
Take cyberspace as an example. We had this wonderful utopian vision of a new home for the mind. What we've reaped isn't cyberspace. It's cyberbia. It….
Every new thing upsets people. We all know someone that has a teenage kid who sits in the room and the television is on, their iPod is on, they have ….
Using technology merely to lower operational costs amounts to standing on a whale fishing for minnows. It just allows you to do the old thing more ef….
You don't want to rely on an expert to tell you what lies ahead..
The curse of cyberspace is that everything we want to preserve will get lost and everything we want to lose will be preserved..
When I lived in Japan in the 1980s, I once was mistaken for Paul Newman, and I didn't have much more hair than I do now. My first reaction was that s….
As Stewart Brand (co-founder of Emeryville's Global Business Network) likes to say, "Information lasts forever. Digital information lasts forever or ….
We do need to rethink privacy. I think we need to fall back on (former Supreme Court Justice) Felix Frankfurter's definition of privacy which is, "Pr….
I don't think information overload is a function of the volume of information. It's a derivative of the volume of information plus the sense-making t….
I think of futurists as people who have a particular attitude about the future. They're advocates for a certain kind of outcome. As a forecaster I am….
More information and more communications foster world peace and understanding. But connecting extremist nut cases together on the Web - whatever flav….
The best way to let people go is to let them know when they're hired that it's an uncertain environment and that their job is always at risk and even….
Each time you toss out a 'singing' greeting card, you are disposing of more computing power than existed in the entire world before 1950..