Birth: January 4, 1932
People make fun of cybersex, but it's really something to take into account: it is a drama, a split of the human being! The human being can now be ch….
For all the sophistication of GPS, there still remain numerous problems with their use. The most obvious problem in this context is the problem of la….
I don't believe in simulationism, I believe that the word is already old-fashioned. As I see it, new technologies are substituting a virtual reality ….
We have already seen some instances of systemic risk in recent times in the Asian financial crisis. But what sparked off the Asian financial crisis? ….
To separate mind from body doesn't make any sense..
The creation of a virtual image is a form of accident. This explains why virtual reality is a cosmic accident. It's the accident of the real..
For the strategies of deception are concerned with deceiving an opponent through the logistics of perception. But these strategies are not merely aim….
Let us start with the title of War and Cinema. The important part of the title is not War and Cinema..
When I say: "I'm looking at you, I can see you", that means: "I can see you because I can't see what is behind you: I see you through the frame I am ….
Even among the elite, in government circles, technological culture is somewhat deficient..
In the very near future, and I stress this important point, it will no longer be war that is the continuation of politics by other means, it will be ….
Because Man is God, and God is Man, the world is nothing but the world of Man - or Woman..
The development and deployment of drones and Cruise missiles involves the continuing development of the vision machine. Research on Cruise missiles i….
However, the Kosovo War took place in orbital space. In other words, war now takes place in 'aero-electro-magnetic space'. It is equivalent to the bi….
Art is drama. Any relationship to art is also a relationship to death..
There are three bombs. The first one is the atomic bomb, which disintegrates reality, the second one is the digital or computer bomb, which destroys ….
People agree to say that it is rationality and science which have eliminated what is called magic and religion. But ultimately, the ironic outcome of….
Resistance is always possible! But we must engage in resistance first of all by developing the idea of a technological culture..
I believe that philosophy is part of literature, and not the reverse..
There is a buddhist proverb which I like a lot. It says: "Every body deserves mercy". That means that every body is holy..
One can't even know what it means to be lost in reality. For instance, it is easy to know whether you are lost or not in the Sahara desert, but to be….