Occupation: Former Federal Ministry Of Finance (Germany) Birth: January 10, 1947
The euro is a vital issue for Germany. There is no other country that derives as much benefit from the common domestic market and the monetary union ….
The U.S. will lose its status as the superpower of the world financial system. The world will become multi-polar..
Greece will not manage to get back on its feet without restructuring its debt. There is no way around it. The country's creditors will have to reduce….
You can't let a candidate run for too long. He will be dragged along, cut apart, put back together and ripped to shreds again - from both the politic….
If things sometimes get tough, you can't ask yourself what impact it's having on you. It isn't an option..
If I had political responsibility, I would want to prepare for a plan B that would foresee that the European currency union, that the eurozone, no lo….
There are still deep-seated structural problems that threaten the economic balance in the world: Between the United States and China, for example, bu….
Nevertheless, I don't hesitate to say that elections in Germany are decided in the center, not on the fringes and not in the accumulation of minority….
I would happily help to turn the stone being thrown at me into a boomerang..
You can't exactly bake a man to your specifications. Most of all, one shouldn't alienate a candidate. A hybrid of Einstein, Tarzan and Inge Meysel do….