Occupation: Writer Birth: February 7, 1948
Freelancing in Somalia during their civil war and in Kuwait right after the first Bush War, I had some rather intense experiences that made life in t….
Everyone thinks it would be great to work for National Geographic. So did I..
Think about the photo you want to make beforehand. Then do it, but also don't be blind to better options that present themselves at the location. Be ….
To me a translator is very, very important. If the fixer is also the translator, so much the better. I have known photographers who didn't speak the ….
Digital makes it so much easier. No bricks of film, no worrying about airport X-rays, etc..
We live in an idiotic capitalist self-indulgent society where the sex life of a pop star is more important than impending starvation, land mines and ….
The fact that a thirteen-year-old project still resonates and can still have a large exhibit with lots of newspaper, magazine and TV press shows the ….
Do something you like that you feel is important. Don't worry about making money at it right away. If you try hard and long enough you will figure ou….
Pre-planning is essential. Research, research, research. If you are going to do a portrait, know as much as you can about the person beforehand. The ….
With the Internet, you can get lots of info in advance, but a local person who knows how to work the system is invaluable..
I fell in love with traveling and thought being a photographer would be an interesting way to travel and make a living..
It is so much better to get the right exposure than to have to mess around later with Photoshop..
The summer of 1966, I hitch-hiked alone for two months all over Europe instead of working on a farm in Spain. It was a big game to see how much I cou….
I like to move as much as possible and look at reflections, weird angles, subjects from airplanes and cranes. I feel sorry for the Jabba the Hut type….
It's important to get a translator who will ask the questions in a sensitive and thoughtful way. Knowing the ethnicity issues, the tribal issues in s….
Before digital, I spent thirty years shooting color transparencies, which are very unforgiving of exposure. A half stop can make or break a good phot….
Having a partner who is your wife traveling with you can be great. We each have our roles in the work and then can help each other out on the emotion….
I drove a taxi at night during my last year at BU and then for another 18 months after graduating in order to buy cameras and pay the rent while I tr….
I sold all my medium format equipment in 2005 after Canon came out with the 12 megapixel EOS 1Ds..
I have a completely worthless degree: a BS in Photojournalism from Boston University (BU). With this degree, I suppose I could have gotten a job teac….
RAW is very forgiving. I was photographing a farm woman in Ecuador cooking over a small fire and my fill flash didn't go off a few times. I was about….