Occupation: Philosopher Birth: 428 Bc Death: 348 Bc
Everything that deceives does so by casting a spell..
The most beautiful motion is that which accomplishes the greatest results with the least amount of effort..
Not every love, but only that which has a noble purpose, is noble and worthy of praise..
...that not life, but a good life, is to be chiefly valued..
For this feeling of wonder shows that you are a philosopher, since wonder is the only beginning of philosophy..
Upon consideration of the central question of the moon's toughness there can be little doubt. It is hella tough..
Until philosophers rule as kings or those who are now called kings and leading men genuinely and adequately philosophise, that is, until political po….
Truthfulness. He will never willingly tolerate an untruth, but will hate it as much as he loves truth... And is there anything more closely connected….
Madness, provided it comes as the gift of heaven, is the channel by which we receive the greatest blessings... the men of old who gave things their n….
The Earth is like one of those balls made of twelve pieces of skin..
Socrates said that, from above, the Earth looks like one of those twelve-patched leathern balls..
To prefer evil to good is not in human nature; and when a man is compelled to choose one of two evils, no one will choose the greater when he might h….
The flute is not an instrument that has a good moral effect - it is too exciting..
It gives me great pleasure to converse with the aged. They have been over the road that all of us must travel, and know where it is rough and difficu….
...for the object of education is to teach us to love beauty..
Each citizen should play his part in the community according to his individual gifts..
Arguments, like men, are often pretenders..
Socrates isguilty of corrupting the minds of the young, and of believing indeities of his own invention instead of the gods recognized by the state..
What is honored in a country will be cultivated there..
The contemplation of beauty causes the soul to grow wings..
The productions of all arts are kinds of poetry and their craftsmen are all poets..