Occupation: Author Birth: 61 Death: 112
There is no book so bad that it is not profitable in some part. -Nullus est liber tam malus ut non aliqua parte prosit.
They enhance the value of their favors by the words with which they are accompanied..
Objects which are usually the motives of our travels by land and by sea are often overlooked and neglected if they lie under our eye..
Generosity, when once set going, knows not how to stop; as the more familiar we are with the lovely form, the more enamored we become of her charms..
The living voice is that which sways the soul..
Literature is both my joy and my comfort: it can add to every happiness and there is no sorrow it cannot console..
The erection of a monument is superfluous, our memory will endure if our lives have deserved it..
Unfinished paintings are more admired than the finished because the artist's actual thoughts are left visible..
He [Pliny the Elder] used to say that 'no book [etc] was so bad but some good might be got out of it'..
Fear is a feeling that is stronger than love..