Occupation: Poet Birth: 48 Bc Death: 14 Bc
Not only the bull attacks his enemies with curved horn, but also the sheep, when harmed fights back..
Let no one be willing to speak ill of the absent..
Even a faithful mistress can be bent by constant threats..
Cupid is naked and does not like artifices contrived by beauty..
There is no wide road which leads to the Muses..
Never change when love has found its home..
Afflicted by love's madness all are blind..
I am climbing a difficult road; but the glory gives me strength..
Beauty is fading, nor is fortune stable; sooner or later death comes to all..
No rival will steal away my sure love; that glory will be my gray hair..
Faith is not sure, if you cannot turn love to quarrel; may my enemies obtain a mild mistress..
Tell me who is able to keep his bed chaste, or which goddess is able to live with one god alone?.
Anyone who is an enemy of mine, let him love women, but let he who is my friend rejoice in men..
Age makes all things greater after their death; a name comes to the tongue easier from the grave..
Love presses my head with carefully placed feet, wretch that he is, until he has taught me to detest chaste girls, and to live with no counsel..
And nobility will not be able to help you with your love; Love does not know how to cede to ancestral images..
In love, a verse of Mimnermus has more power than one of Homer..
The eyes are the pioneers that first announce the soft tale of love..
By gold all good faith has been banished; by gold our rights are abused; the law itself is influenced by gold, and soon there will be an end of every….
There is something beyond the grave; death does not end all, and the pale ghost escapes from the vanquished pyre..
Do not unto another that which you would not he should do unto you..