Occupation: Poet Birth: 48 Bc Death: 14 Bc
Great is the height I just scale, but the prospect of glory gives me strength..
Even if my strength should fail, my daring will win me praise: in might enterprises even the will to succeed is enough..
To each man at his birth nature has given some fault..
Love is fostered by confidence and constancy; he who is able to give much is able also to love much..
Let each man pass his days in that endeavor wherein his gift is greatest..
A cause breaks or exalts a soldier's strength; unless that cause is just, shame will make him throw his weapons away..
Let each man have the wit to go his own way..
You, O money, are the cause of a restless life! Because of you we journey toward a premature death; you provide cruel nourishment for the evils of me….
Something greater than the Iliad now springs to birth -Nescio quid maius nascitur Iliade.
Make room, Roman writers, make room for Greek writers; something greater than the Iliad is born..
Allow me, whom Fortune always desires to bury, lay down my life in these final trivialities. Many have freely died in longlasting loves, among whose ….
Fickleness has always befriended the beautiful..
Love never offers to anyone wings so easy that he does not hold him back with his other hand..
If you see anything, always deny that you've seen; or if perchance something pains you, deny that you're hurt..
Let's give the historians something to write about.
Among absent lovers, ardor always fares better..
Always in absent lovers love's tide flows stronger..
Love can be put off, never abandoned..
If she is pleasing to one man, a girl is taken care of..
In great things it is enough even to have willed..
I say as an expert, no one is faithful in love -Expertus dico, nemo est in amore fidelis.