Occupation: Writer Birth: 85 Bc Death: 43
Equanimity is calamity's medicine..
An end to our getting is the only end to our losses..
Grief diminishes when it has nothing to grow upon..
Fortune makes many loans, but gives no presents..
Pardon one offence, and you encourage the commission of many..
A suspicious mind always looks on the black side of things..
Fortune, by being too lavish of her favours on a man, only makes a fool of him..
He blames Neptune unjustly who twice suffers shipwreck..
I often regret that I have spoken; never that I have been silent..
Friendship either finds or makes equals..
The power of habit is very strong..
A noble spirit finds a cure for injustice in forgetting it..
To-day is the pupil of yesterday.
For a good cause, wrongdoing is virtuous..
Love, like a tear, rises in the eye and falls upon the breast..
Ready tears are a sign of treachery, not of grief.
You cannot put the same shoe on every foot..
A virtuous wife commands her husband by obeying him..
He who quarrels with a drunken man injures one who is absent..
He doubly benefits the needy who gives quickly..
A hasty judgment is a first step to recantation..