Occupation: Writer Birth: 85 Bc Death: 43
Never thrust your sickle into another's corn..
It is well not to lend too easy an ear to accusations..
Gain cannot be made without some other person's loss..
Where destiny blunders, human prudence will not avail..
A frog would leap from a throne of gold into a puddle..
Debt is the slavery of the free..
Shun an angry man for a moment-your enemy forever..
In every enterprise consider where you would come out..
All powerful is the rule of fashion..
It is of no profit to have learned well, if you neglect to do well..
One is not exposed to danger who, even when in safety is always on their guard..
The eye strays not while under the guidance of reason..
Every madman considers everyone else a madman..
It is better to have a little than nothing..
He who boasts of a favor bestowed, would like it back again..
It is a pitiful fortune that is not without enemies..
Confidence is the only bond of friendship..
A woman either loves or hates; she knows no medium..
Fortune is like glass; she breaks when she is brightest..
With little loan you get a friend, with big loan an enemy..
The anger of lovers renews the strength of love..