Occupation: Writer Birth: 85 Bc Death: 43
There is no fruit which is not bitter before it is ripe..
Adversity shows whether we have friends, or only the shadows of friends..
Gain at the expense of reputation is manifest loss..
No pleasure endures unseasoned by variety..
If you refuse where you have always granted you invite to theft..
That should be regarded as a loss, which is won at the expense of our reputation..
He who wishes to injure another, will soon find a pretext..
You must endure, and not cry out against that which cannot be avoided..
The poor man is ruined as soon as he begins to ape the rich..
To become rich is easy. Much harder is to solve the riddles of of the heart..
When innocence trembles, it condemns the judge..
Would you have a great empire? Rule over yourself..
How unhappy is he who cannot forgive himself..
Deliberando saepe perit occasio.
Why do we not hear the truth? Because we do not speak it..
We must master our good fortune, or it will master us..
A man suffers death himself as often as he loses those dear to him..
He bids fair to grow wise who has discovered that he is not so..
Be your money's master, not its slave..
Apathy borders upon folly..
Humility neither falls far, nor heavily..