Occupation: Philosopher Birth: 571 Bc Death: 495 Bc
The earth affords a lavish supply of richess of innocent foods, and offers you banquets that involve no bloodshed or slaughter; only beasts satisfy t….
Hate and fear breed a poison in the blood, which if continued, affects eyes, ears, nose and the organs of digestion. Therefore, it is not wise to hea….
Meditate upon my counsels; love them; follow them; To the divine virtues will they know how to lead thee. I swear it by the One who in our hearts eng….
If men with fleshly mortals must be fed, and chew with bleeding teeth the breathing bread; what else is this but to devour our guests, and barbarousl….
Learn to be silent. Let your quiet mind listen and absorb..
Do not go to bed until you have gone over the day three times in your mind. What wrong did I do? What good did I accomplish? What did I forget to do?.
The wise man should be prepared for everything that does not lie within his control..
Don't try to cover your mistakes with false words. Rather, correct your mistakes with examination..
It is better to be silent, than to dispute with the Ignorant..
Having departed from your house, turn not back; for the furies will be your attendants..
The soul of man is divided into three parts, intelligence, reason, and passion. Intelligence and passion are possessed by other animals, but reason b….
Wisdom, thoroughly learned, will never be forgotten..
The highest goal of music is to connect one's soul to their Divine Nature, not entertainment.
Silence is better than unmeaning words..
No one is free who has not obtained the empire of himself..
None but God is wise..
Do not say a little in many words but a great deal in a few..
Abstain from animals..
You should make great things, not promising great things..
most men and women, by birth or nature, lack the means to advance in wealth or power, but all have the ability to advance in knowledge..
Better be mute, than dispute with the Ignorant..