Occupation: Advocate Birth: August 23, 1951
I don't think we've ever lived in such a dangerous time, on a range of different levels. We also live in an extremely exciting time with a multitude ….
If we are to prosper together in our increasingly small world, we must listen to -- and learn from each other's stories.
Today, there is no excuse for any one of us to sit back and go, "Ugh! There's nothing I can do about it."Because there is always something that can b….
I've seen it around the world, in the poorest countries and in countries riven with conflict, It is women who are the key to breaking out of poverty,….
There were initiatives I have remained involved with in the U.S. and in the Middle East, like the Peace Corps, which might be summed up as, "Ask not ….
The Noor Al-Hussein Foundation (Light of Al-Hussein) was created to complement my husband's efforts to advance development in the country..
I have been a long-time advocate for a just Arab-Israeli peace and for Palestinian refugees. Today, as you are aware, Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan and….
I join all of you who are advocates telling others that they can improve their lives and the quality of their lives and others by taking a few moment….
We came together [with King Hussein of Jordan] because of a shared sense of idealism, of the value of service to a community far greater than ourselv….
The film and media technology that's available today is going to be the most potent weapon in our arsenal in tackling ideological intolerance and ign….
One thing that keeps me awake at night: I am a mother and, I have to confess with great delight, a grandmother of five girls, which gives me great ho….
Of course, in our country, developing in a region with somewhat conservative traditions, women were desperately needed to be more engaged - socially,….
A more just world is possible. In most of the global issues, and also in so many of the development issues I'm involved in in our region, the young p….
King Hussein of Jordan dedicated his life - I witnessed it in his sleeping as well as waking hours - to trying to break through the impasses keeping ….
I have been a long-time advocate for a just Arab-Israeli peace and for Palestinian refugees..
Martin Luther King, Jr.'s peaceful, determined struggle for social justice, and Sargent Shriver, who launched the Peace Corps, were early heroes. A c….
We develop our beautiful planet in such a way that we brush aside the species... we risk creating a wasteland, where our aspirations will ultimately ….
I think there are many experts who say, in fact, the most powerful nations on earth are more vulnerable today than the weaker nations because they're….
For all its considerable merits and inspirational principles, the American system is based upon a continuous uninterrupted process of election campai….
You can see that in people around the world who struggle to survive with little or nothing. Whether they've been inspired by faith or by loving relat….
The Koran says the killing of an innocent, the taking of an innocent life, is tantamount to killing all of mankind..