Occupation: Minister Birth: 1965
He didn't love me because I'm valuable. Because He loved me, I became valuable..
I am not accusing God of sinning; I am suggesting that he created sin.
More evangelicals today will visit abortion mills as clients than as ambassadors of Jesus Christ..
Every idol, if you scratch it, is a mirror. We worship ourselves..
Creeds are definitions of what it means to be a Christian. They are fences that, albeit imperfectly, seek to separate sheep from goats..
Now that Hillary Clinton is officially running for President I am officially not going to vote for her. It's official..
As Christians continue to be vilified let us continue to rejoice and be exceedingly glad. It means we are salt, light and with Him..
The true gospelstands before the throne of God declaring, 'Jesus did it all.'.
Our treasure is what we fear losing, and I fear that we fear losing our treasure. We are lovers of money..
The truth is that the sole reason we don’t see the world all around us as magic is that we are jaded, too cool for the school of wonder..
I hope that we will learn from each other, but most of all that we would learn from God's Word, which equips us for every good work, including our ca….
The One who knows the fullness of my sin loves me as my Father right now..
We must remember who we are by remembering Whose we are..
No matter what obeisance the state may demand, we who serve the King are free indeed..