Occupation: Host Birth: April 1, 1973
I'm gonna vote against Donald Trump ..
We are willing to follow leaders only to the extent we believe they call on our best, not our worst..
Here’s the thing about rights. They’re not actually supposed to be voted on. That’s why they’re called rights..
Fascist political gatherings tend to encourage or at least expect a little violence around the edges, particularly against counter protesters..
My idea of what was going on in politics was driven by activism. I came out when I was 17, and right away I started working in the AIDS activist move….
If you took a cracked pot and you cracked that cracked pot, you'd be approaching the level of cracked pottery we are talking about here..
A Russian citizen who worked for the [Donald] Trump campaign manager in Ukraine, worked for Paul Manafort when Manafort was working in Ukraine, that ….
Flint and its lead contaminated water are now the focus of sustained national attention including political attention..
Sarah Palin is now the guy who hangs out in the high school parking lot, showing off his car, five years after he graduated..
Those policies [of Jean-Marie Le Pen ]I find repellent. I believe many people right across consist the world do. There is no future in that type of n….
The spy boom has been a beautiful windfall for architects, construction companies, IT specialists, and above all defense contractors, enriching thous….
Military preparedness is absolutely a form of strength..
As proud and capable as it is, I think the idea that the military can build new countries is a tall order, and it's the sort of thing that we would o….
As secretary of state you can go out in a helmet if you want to. Even in Switzerland in front of reporters..
I am a woman, and sometimes that impacts what stories I want to do..
Senator [Tom] Cotton and his fellow lawmakers are back in D.C. and Republicans are split, they are divided about what to do with the repeal to feel A….
The Constitutional Convention debated whether America should even have a standing army. ... They worried that a powerful military could rival civilia….
Sarah Palin uses me as a laugh line in her stump speeches. If you're willing to turn me into a joke, you should also be willing to talk to me..
Abstinence-only education - the best STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) and pregnancy delivery system that politicians have ever devised..
It is about something personal and specific, because when the John McCain campaign in 2008 decided to elevate Sarah Palin from total obscurity to mak….
You may never have heard of Joseph Overton and his proverbial window but you most certainly have heard the Republican presidential campaign in 2015 y….