Occupation: Guru Birth: December 11, 1931 Death: January 19, 1990
Every action is self-perpetuating, every thought is self-perpetuating. Once you cooperate with it, you are giving energy to it. Sooner or later it wi….
Never belong to a crowd; Never belong to a nation; Never belong to a religion; Never belong to a race. Belong to the whole existence. Why limit yours….
Meditation is the technique of inner conquest - and that is the real challenge. Those who have any guts should accept the inner challenge. It is easy….
All the great masters in the world have been saying only one thing down the centuries, "Have your own mind and have your own individuality. Don't be ….
When a poet writes a poem, meaning arises - because the poet is not alone; he has created something. When a dancer dances, meaning arises. When a mot….
My people. I have given them a sense of individuality, integrity. I have not made them slaves of any god or any religion. Nor of any holy book or any….
Only authentic human beings can create a society which will be joyous, ecstatic, and in the real sense, human..
Dance as if this is the last dance. Dance with abandon, holding nothing back. That will bring transformation to your being, and a possibility of tran….
Effortlessness is a great phenomenon. Once you know it, many millions of things become possible to you. Through effort the market; through effortless….
To remain absolutely free is what a true and authentic life is. So never gather any character - remain characterless..
Belief is a deception you play upon yourself..
God is not in heaven - God is in the present moment. If you are also in the present moment you enter the temple..
Heaven and hell are not geographical; they are not something outside you, they are something that belongs to your interiority. If you are awake, then….
Humanity will never be religious unless all organized religions disappear and religion becomes an individual commitment towards existence..
When you become centered, suddenly there is great freedom because you know you are not the mind and you are not the body..
Parents create guilt. That is the greatest sin against humanity. To create guilt in a child is criminal because once the guilt is created, the child ….
There are things which happen through effort, and there are things which happen only through effortlessness. There are things which will never happen….
Marriage has become a battlefield where two persons are fighting for supremacy. Of course, the man has his own way: rough and more primitive. The wom….
Meditation is a death - death of all that you are now. Of course there will be a resurrection, but that will be a totally new, fresh original being w….
Bravery does not mean being fearless. It means to be full of fear but still not being dominated by it..
How can one become enlightened? One can, because one is enlightened - one just has to recognize the fact..