Occupation: Activist Birth: February 27, 1934
What we need to recognize, less than 1 percent of the people organized around issues that are already supported by conservatives and liberals, and th….
The flow from knowledge to action draws upon the complete person with his or her catalyst and synergistic potential..
There's only one thing different about Barack Obama when it comes to being a Democratic presidential candidate. He's half African-American. Whether t….
Is there a number or mark planned for the hand or forehead in a new cashless society? YES, and I have seen the machines that are now ready to put it ….
There are very significant ways around America on how to break its grip, which is, of course, a way to exclude dissenting voices before tens of milli….
As I was saying, half a democracy is showing up and people have got not only to agree with this agenda, some of these third parties listeners, they'v….
Let's not just look at it as taking votes away from Gore. Our support comes from a lot of people..
President Reagan was elected on the promise of getting government off the backs of the people and now he demands that government wrap itself around t….
The reason that democracies always defeat dictatorships is because they're open to debate. We should never allow Washington to say, 'Shut up, get in ….
You [Jill Stein] also believe in a full employment policy that was the majority Democratic Party policy in 1946. They actually passed a law to that e….
Hillary Clinton's ready to pivot to Asia and provoke China. So are the Republicans. It's on domestic issues that there will be a gridlock..
The corporations have become our government. They're not just influential. Department by department, you name it, they put their people in high gover….
The job of a leader today is not to create followers. It’s to create more leaders..
If, during the Second World War, the United States had retooled its factories for manufacturing bicycles instead of munitions, we’d be one of the hea….
There are some people in this world who would never plant a seed because it doesn't produce fruit the first season..
Water is the most precious, limited natural resource we have in this country...But because water belongs to no one - except the people - special inte….
The essence of globalization is a subordination of human rights, of labor rights, consumer, environmental rights, democracy rights, to the imperative….
We're trying to convey how much easier it is than most people think, especially young people, to turn the country around if they focus on the levers,….
Gates's net wealth is greater than the combined net worth of the poorest 40% of Americans (112,000,000 people)..
You should not allow yourself the luxuries of discouragement of despair. Bounce back immediately, and welcome the adversity because it produces harde….
It is basically a strategy to destroy the essence of democracy, which is the competitiveness and choices of candidates on the ballot..