Occupation: Novelist Birth: February 23, 1950
In order to refute a conclusion, you have to put forth the best possible argument for it..
We need science. We need empirical evidence. We can't just use mathematical reasoning to deduce the nature of the world..
Everybody have equal rights to a life of full flourishing. Philosophy slowly, slowly has given us arguments saying, look, you already committed to yo….
Participation in the collective life of the polis both restrains the extraordinary individual and enlarges the ordinary individual, allowing him to p….
Philosophers feel a little more cautious about letting down their technical guard lest the general public doesn't recognize their special credentials….
Like mathematics and music and cosmology and philosophy, poetry, too, can "infinitize" us, granting us what immortality there is to be had in this mo….
Those who share my heroes are, in the deepest sense, of my own kind..
For the ancient Greeks, who lacked our social media, the only way to achieve mass duplication of the details of one's life in the apprehension of oth….
One of the peculiar features of philosophical questions is how eager people are to offer solutions that miss the point of the questions. Sometimes th….
I was trained as a philosopher never to put philosophers and their ideas into historical contexts, since historical context has nothing to do with th….
We become more worthy the more we bend our minds to the impersonal. We become better as we take in the universe, thinking more about the largeness th….
When you ask why did some particular question occur to a scientist or philosopher for the first time, or why did this particular approach seem natura….
In fact, it’s the very impersonality of impersonal knowledge that renders such knowledge the most ethically potent of all..
If we don't understand our tools, then there is a danger we will become the tool of our tools. We think of ourselves as Google's customers, but reall….
One doesn't diminish a philosopher's achievement, and doesn't undermine its soundness, by showing how the particular set of questions on which he foc….
Philosophy addresses, in a systematic and progress-making way, questions of deep concern to everyone..
Given cognitive vulnerabilities, it would be convenient to have an arrangement whereby reality could tell us off; and that is precisely what science ….
I would say to anybody who thinks that all the problems in philosophy can be translated into empirically verifiable answers - whether it be a Lawrenc….
A child's natural form of behavior is play, and in our aim to educate, play should be honored and preserved for as long past childhood as can be..
The sum and substance of education is the right training that effectually leads the soul of the child at play on to the love of the calling in its ad….
Does God have a reason for wanting us to be charitable, to take care of those who can't take care of themselves? Either God does or God doesn't, it's….