Birth: August 24, 1932
Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and e….
The more I live, the more I recognize that the teaching moments in my youth, especially those provided by my parents, have shaped my life and made me….
It is impossible to overestimate the influence of parents who understand the hearts of their children. Research shows that during the most important ….
Agency used righteously allows light to dispel the darkness and enables us to live with joy and happiness..
Are there times in our lives when we think we have been forsaken by God, or by our fellow men, or by our families? Those are moments when we have to ….
As Latter-day Saints, we need not look like the world. We need not entertain like the world. Our personal habits should be different. Our recreation ….
I promise you in [Jesus] name that if you pray with a sincere desire to hear your Heavenly Father's voice in the messages of this conference, you wil….
If ye love me keep my commandments.
Through the Savior's Atonement and by following these basic patterns of faithfulness, we receive "power from on high" to face the challenges of life.….
Oh, how we need general conference! Through conferences our faith is fortified and our testimonies deepened. And when we are converted, we strengthen….
The events and prophecies of our time are preparing us for the Savior's Second Coming..
Each of us has been sent to earth by our Heavenly Father to merit eternal life.
We will not fall, we will not fail; for our homes will be founded on Jesus Christ..
When young men prepare, bless, and pass the sacrament in worthiness and reverence, they literally follow the example of the Savior at the Last Supper….
Most of us know someone who would say, 'If you want to be my friend, you'll have to accept my values.' A true friend doesn't ask us to choose between….
The temple is a sacred edifice, a holy place, where essential saving ceremonies and ordinances are performed to prepare us for exaltation. It is impo….
There is nothing that we are enduring that Jesus does not understand, and He waits for us to go to our Heavenly Father in prayer. If we will be obedi….
When we understand our baptismal covenant and the gift of the Holy Ghost, it will change our lives and will establish our total allegiance to the kin….
As disciples of Christ, we have a sacred obligation to uphold His laws and commandments and the covenants which we take upon ourselves..
What is said is not as important as what [you] hear and what [you] feel..
He set the example for all of us to humble ourselves before our Heavenly Father..