Occupation: Radio Host Birth: January 17, 1954
Large-scale hog producers are a greater threat to the United States and U.S. democracy than Osama bin Laden and his terrorist network..
The environment is the most important, the most fundamental, civil-rights issue.... Four out of every five toxic-waste dumps in America is in a black….
Everyone knows that we're doing a science experiment with Earth. And the No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 contributors to it are the mining and burning of ….
One out of every six American women has so much mercury in her womb that her children are at risk for a grim inventory of diseases, including autism,….
I think we as Americans know there's a much better alternative than the 17th century practice of burning rocks to power our economy..
When Wal-Mart brings water down to the Katrina victims, it's not doing that to be nice; it's doing it to make larger profits and to increase the valu….
Now we are all learning what it's like to reap the whirlwind of fossil fuel dependence... Our destructive addiction has given us a catastrophic war i….
I was interested in the environment from when I was a little kid. I spent most of my time hunting and fishing and kayaking..
The way you get democracy to function is by informing the public..
What polluters do is raise the standards of living for themselves, while lowering the quality of living for everybody else, and they do that by escap….
Listen, the environmental movement is not about protecting the fishes and the birds so much as recognizing that nature is the infrastructure of our c….
We're not protecting the environment for the sake of the fishes and the birds. We're protecting it for our own sake..
We are living in a science-fiction nightmare where children are gasping for breath on bad-air days because somebody gave money to a politician. And m….
Sometimes it's more important to change politicians than light bulbs..
The next time you see John Stossel or Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity, these flat-Earthers, these corporate toadies, lying to you, lying ….
These are facts that would make every American upset. Our birthright is being stolen, the legacy of our country is at stake, and the values of our na….
Speaking of prostitutes, big oil's top call girl Sen Inhofe wants to kill fuel economy backed by automakers, small biz, enviros, & consumers..
If we don't cut carbon's money pipeline, we will pay for their gasoline with floods, droughts, fires, super storms, drowned cities, mass extinctions,….
The best measure of how a democracy is functioning is how it allocates the goods of the land, the public trust assets..
We do not have free market capitalism in America; we have crony capitalism. There is a huge difference between free market capitalism that democratiz….
Industrial agriculture now accounts for over half of America's water pollution. Two years ago, Pfiesteria outbreaks connected with wastes from indust….