Occupation: Neuroendocrinologist Birth: 1957
We’ve evolved to be smart enough to make ourselves sick..
Hormones influencing the sensitivity of the person to environmental stimuli..
To out-group-members, oxytocin makes you crappier - less cooperative and more preemptively aggressive. It's not the luv hormone. It's the in-group pa….
But often, it's easier to resist temptation with distraction, or to be so inculcated in doing the right thing that it's automatic, outside the fronta….
If you care about your longevity and health, be a socially affiliated baboon who is better than high-ranking ones at walking away from provocations..
Oxytocin is a Teflon hormone - bad news rolls off it..
Brains distinguish between an Us and a Them in a fraction of a second. Subliminal processing of a Them activates the amygdala and insular cortex, bra….
Oxytocin is lauded for how it promotes warmth, generosity, social bonding, cooperation, trust, and compassion..
An open mind is a prerequisite to an open heart..
Most of us don't collapse into puddles of stress-related disease..
How much you groom somebody else is more important than who grooms you..
If a rat is a good model for your emotional life, you're in big trouble..
Give lab rats oxytocin and, according to that meme, they get better at talking about their feelings and sing like Joan Baez..
We're getting along so well; I trust you so much for this one second that I'm going to let you yank on me..
The most important point of [Susan] Fiske's work is that it provides a taxonomy for our differing feelings about different Thems - sometimes fear, so….
The less it is possible that something can be, the more it must be..
Until you appreciate something crucial - It is incredibly easy to manipulate us as to who counts as an Us, who as a Them..
It's probably even the case that if you stoked up some Buddhist monks with tons of testosterone, they'd become wildly competitive as to who can do th….
Stress is not a state of mind... it's measurable and dangerous, and humans can't seem to find their off-switch..
Essentially, we humans live well enough and long enough, and are smart enough, to generate all sorts of stressful events purely in our heads..
I love science, and it pains me to think that so many are terrified of the subject or feel that choosing science means you cannot also choose compass….