Occupation: Writer Birth: October 13, 1970
Long-term travel isn’t about being a college student; it’s about being a student of daily life. Long-term travel isn’t an act of rebellion against so….
Vagabonding is an attitude — a friendly interest in people, places, and things that makes a person an explorer in the truest, most vivid sense of the….
there is still an overwhelming social compulsion-an insanity of consensus, if you will-to get rich from life rather than live richly, to “do well” in….
Travel compels you to discover your spiritual side by elimination: Without all the rituals, routines and possessions that give your life meaning at h….
At times, the biggest challenge in embracing simplicity will be the vague feeling of isolation that comes with it, since private sacrifice doesn't ga….
Travel, I was coming to realize, was a metaphor not only for the countless options life offers but also for the fact that choosing one option reduces….
In this way, we end up spending (as Thoreau put it) “the best part of one's life earning money in order to enjoy a questionable liberty during the le….
Time is the truest form of wealth. And the beauty is, we are all born equally rich in time..
In a way, simplifying your life for vagabonding is easier than it sounds. This is because travel by its very nature demands simplicity. If you don't ….
The more we associate experience with cash value, the more we think that money is what we need to live. And the more we associate money with life, th….
The simple willingness to improvise is more vital, in the long run, than research..
Thus, the question of how and when to start vagabonding is not really a question at all. Vagabonding starts now. Even if the practical reality of tra….
The secret of adventure, then, is not to carefully seek it out but to travel in such a way that it finds you. To do this, you first need to overcome ….