Occupation: 40th U.S. President Birth: February 6, 1911 Death: June 5, 2004
The glory of this land has been its capacity for transcending the moral evils of our past. For example, the long struggle of minority citizens for e….
Love your country, not for her power or wealth, but for her selflessness and her idealism..
For centuries the Bible's emphasis on compassion and love for our neighbor has inspired institutional and governmental expressions of benevolent outr….
I believe we must resolve the problem at our southern border with full regard to the problems and needs of Mexico. I have suggested legalizing the en….
No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the near….
What we have found in this country, and maybe we're more aware of it now, is one problem that we've had, even in the best of times, and that is the p….
The First Amendment of the Constitution was not written to protect the people from religion; that amendment was written to protect religion from gove….
America has begun a spiritual reawakening. Faith and hope are being restored. Americans are turning back to God. Church attendance is up. Audiences f….
Without God, democracy will not and cannot long endure..
It was the hard work of our people, the freedom they enjoyed and their faith in God that built this country and made it the envy of the world. In all….
Going around this country, I have found a great hunger in America for spiritual revival; for a belief that law must be based on a higher law; for a r….
At the root of everything that we’re trying to accomplish is the belief that America has a mission. We are a nation of freedom, living under God, bel….
It was leadership here at home that gave us strong American influence abroad, and the collapse of imperial Communism. Great nations have responsibili….
Government Steals from the needy and gives to the greedy.
Public servants say, always with the best of intentions, 'What greater service we could render if only we had a little more money and a little more p….
Government is never more dangerous than when our desire to have it help us blinds us to its great power to harm us..
I'm not smart enough to lie.
We were told four years ago that 17 million people went to bed hungry each night. Well that was probably true. They were all on a diet..
To those who cite the first amendment as reason for excluding God from more and more of our institutions and everyday life, may I just say: The first….
I didn't leave the Democratic party; the Democratic party left me..
In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. From time to time we've been tempted to believe tha….