Birth: February 21, 1947 Death: 1987
I like life. It's something to do..
Relationships give us a reason to live. Revenge..
My doctor gave me two weeks to live. I hope they're in August..
I fear one day I'll meet God, he'll sneeze and I won't know what to say..
I spend money with reckless abandon. Last month I blew $5000 at a reincarnation. I got to thinking, what the hell, you only live once!.
A lot of people wonder how you can tell if you're really in love. Just ask yourself this question: 'Would I mind being financially destroyed by this ….
Sometimes the unexpected does happen. Once, this exquisite woman fell for me. After we made love, she gave me a check for a hundred dollars. I said, ….
After twelve years of therapy my psychiatrist said something that brought tears to my eyes. He said, 'No hablo ingles.'.
One question on hospital admittance forms really gets me. "Sex: Male or Female?" Do I want to be in a hospital where they can't tell the difference?.
As a teenager I just wanted to fit in, just to be one of the boys. It was tough. I went to an all black school. I went so far as to have them print m….
I was going to buy a copy of "The Power of Positive Thinking", and then I thought: What good would that do?.
I always wanted to be the last guy on Earth, just to see if all those women were lying to me..
I was an ugly baby. On my birth certificate there was a listing for Probable Cause..
Where there's a will there's a dead person..