Occupation: Talk Show Host Birth: January 12, 1951
If you don't donate to Obama and you're a major corporation like Big Oil, then they're gonna blame you for climate change, destroying the planet and ….
I think there's something remarkable happening here that nobody is talking about. They're skirting the issue. For the longest time, the Republican Pa….
Despite the fact that the country was electing Republicans, Obama wasn't being stopped, and it's because of the political system. The political syste….
What the Democrats do with income inequality is punish the people at the top of whatever bracket we're talking about. If it's income, they want to ra….
Our political correct society is acting like some giant insult's taken place by calling a bunch of people who are retards, retards...There's going to….
George W. Bush was interviewed by NBC. He was on the Today show and he was asked about President Trump's visa suspension. They asked Bush what he thi….
Too many whites are getting away with drug use... Too many whites are getting away with drug sales... The answer is to go out and find the ones who a….
America is far and away superior to every other place on earth, in terms of lifestyles, liberty, and freedom. In terms of the human condition, there'….
I'm going to tell you, what's good for al Qaeda is good for the Democratic Party in this country today..
There is no country on earth that can touch us in charitable efforts, in disaster relief efforts, in doing everything to help. We do not live under a….
For the last five years, we have been presented with the idea that Barack Obama is superhuman. Barack Obama is unlike any of us or anyone else. And h….
Look, 85% percent of Democrats think the economy's fine. What does that tell you about these people?.
As far as feminism is concerned ... the problem in the world is men, and they, in their natural state, are essentially incompatible. They must be tam….
We've always known that Democrats are anti-war, and we've always known that we can't really count on them when it comes to national defense. But we h….
I'm specifically talking about Bill Nelson which merely said to [Barak] Obama stop what you're doing because it's against the law. He's out there say….
Net neutrality would require that every search engine produce an equal number of results that satisfy every disagreement about the issue... Just thin….
The Clintons are obsessed with money, and they have been since they came on the national scene. I'm sure that both of them since childhood have been ….
There's a void of leadership in a lot of Washington. I think one of the reasons why there's so much angst across the country..
The public school system doesn't get everybody. Every generation has its rebels..
I cringe every time I see no evidence of push-back by the Republican Party on Obama policies..
Obama is a clown. You don't have to be a scientist to know that the President doesn't know what he's talking about when he says fossil fuels are the ….