Occupation: Talk Show Host Birth: January 12, 1951
Donald Trump probably spends more time getting more things done than many people have any experience with, but yet he's the one undisciplined, he's t….
Football is brutality. Football is career-ending, life-threatening injury just by stepping on the field..
The Republican Party may be forever reconstituted and changed, which may not be a bad thing either, in and of itself..
Donald Trump is the most outspoken, transparent, here's what I want to do, here's what I think we should do. There's no mystery here. But since other….
I don't think anywhere you go to get news is news anymore. It is commentary, but mostly it is the advancement of agenda..
The Republicans have never had, in their story - conservatives, either, have never had... I'm talking this in a media context, now. They've never had….
[Donald] Trump, whether he designed it or not, happens to be the first thing in the news on UK soil the day after the Brexit vote..
New immigration plan is about legal education. It allows educated people who want to become Americans to stay and become Americans. It was nothing bu….
All of these promises and all of these votes to repeal Obamacare since 2010, now when senators have the power to actually do it, they don't do it, th….
The country doesn't owe you anything because you're an American or especially because you have a college degree. Now, if you think... If you are a co….
There are three popular theories being bandied about to explain Robert Mueller investigation, but we have to remember that it was the Donald Trump ad….
You want to talk about doing damage to our elections and damaging our stature, to have it just thought and stated repeatedly that the strongman of Ru….
Remember, folks, every one of these Republicans in Senate sees the world through the eyes of the left. Every one of these Washington people. They don….
Donald Trump has a bunch of people who have been able to find the money they need for projects that they wanted to do and succeed at them and show a ….
Susan Rice has withdrawn her name from the running to be the next secretary of state. The thing is, she was never nominated. I think this whole thing….
Now your kids can't escape. Thirteen-year-olds back then, if they didn't watch the evening news, they didn't see news. If they didn't watch the 6:30 ….
If you want to find out what the future of the Republican Party is if Hillary Clinton wins, take a look at California..
You can use the tax code to make people smoke less. You can use the tax code to make 'em smoke more. You can use the tax code to make 'em buy beer or….
In the case of immigration, there has never been a majority for any of the proposals put forth by either party - executive amnesty or whatever other ….
Every traditional ways in politics that you get rid of an enemy has not worked on Donald Trump..
The Democrats' version of immigration is all about securing additional votes..